Continua at IFPAC® 2025
Join Paul Brodbeck, Chief Technologist, and Our Team of Experts on Tuesday Afternoon, March 4th, in the Forest Glen Conference Room
Topic: Real-time Deployment of AI in Industrial Processes

Continua will discuss its experience with the deployment of mechanistic, APC optimization, and machine learning algorithms in real-time. We will discuss the challenges of building models from historical process data and deploying the models in a stable and manageable ML platform including GMP. A full stack solution called MLO will be presented that demonstrates a seamless method of collecting data through to predictions including OT gateway/data connectors, data brokers, DataOps, and MLOps (AI deployment platform).
Paul Brodbeck is the Chief Technologist and co-founder of Continua Process Systems. Continua helps companies optimize manufacturing operations through the application of emerging and advanced technologies including Machine Learning, Process Analytical Technology (PAT), Digital Twins, Digital Transformation, IIoT, and Industry 4.0. The goal is to embed AI and Machine Learning models to fuel predictive analytics and proactive decision-making—optimizing operations and maximizing quality, production, and yield. Continua has developed a working Process Digital Twin for a bioprocess that executes mechanistic models and machine learning models (NN, MPCA, MPLS) at the Edge with an open-standard MLOps deployment platform. The MLOps platform has a Cloud component for training Python ML algorithms.
An exciting new technology is emerging for Industry 4.0 digital transformation that is based on MQTT data brokers. Digital transformation efforts based on traditional technology such as OPC and vertical integration stacks fail as they try to scale. MQTT is a lightweight, report-by-exception, open-platform that scales efficiently to enterprise-wide networks.